A Message from Rabbi Norry: January 29, 2021

If you want to be able to confront evil face to face, you must train your body to be strong, flexible and deadly. Evil confronts us physically with violence, threats and even lethal force. Rarely can such a threat be reasoned away. You can be prepared and capable of equal force, or you can run, or you will be a victim of evil when and if you face it. Prepare.

If you want to be able to confront evil thoughts and malicious social assumptions, you must train your mind to be precise and insightful. Evil corrupts thinking with fallacies, falsehoods and fears. Cleverness and one-sided thinking cannot uproot this kind of thinking. A warrior against such wickedness must be discerning and pursue truth wherever it leads, or they face certain defeat. Learn.

If you want to be able to confront evil intent and spiritual corruption, you must engage your imagination to see the world differently, but honestly. Evil is part of our nature. We can neither run nor hide from it. We can point fingers, pass laws, and judge others. Or we can fearlessly confront the unvarnished truths of human nature, and still live so that the goodness, meaning and beauty of life inspires prayers, poems and meditations. Create.

Office Hours

B’nai Zion Congregation
6210 Airpark Drive
Chattanooga, TN 37421

Monday: By appointment
Tuesday-Thursday: 10:00am – 4:00pm
Friday: 10:00am – 3:00pm


Rabbi Samuel Rotenberg: rabbirotenberg@bzcongregation.com

Autumn Clark, Office Manager: office@bzcongregation.com

Phone: 423.894.8900

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