In this time of sheltering in place, we are going to feel all kinds of difficult emotions. Let’s all offer our support to each other and stay connected in our physical isolation. In the words of Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky of B’nai David-Judea Congregation in L.A., “Every hand that we don’t shake must become a phone call that we place. Every embrace that we avoid must become a verbal expression of warmth and concern. Every inch and every foot that we physically place between ourselves and another, must become a thought as to how we might be of help to that other, should the need arise…Let’s stay safe. And let’s draw one another closer in a way that we’ve never done before.”
We will stay in close touch virtually in the coming days, weeks, and months to help each other get through this difficult time.
FREE ZOOM TUTORIAL: A free Zoom tutorial will show you all you need to know to get started using this convenient video conferencing tool. Click here.
- Kabbalat Shabbat: We are offering a Kabbalat Shabbat gathering weekly at 6:00 pm Friday evenings via Zoom, Meeting ID: 871 2503 4665 Passcode: service.
- Shabbat morning: We are now streaming our Shabbat services online via Zoom, Meeting ID: 849 2084 4539 Passcode: service. Alternately, you can check our ongoing list of live-streamed Shabbat services here.
- Wednesday evening minyan: We are holding our Wednesday minyan at 6:00pm via Zoom, Meeting ID: 845 0521 2418 Passcode: service .
Additional Resources
- Prayer Books: Our siddur has been made available by the Rabbinical Assembly for download so you can access it at home if you need a prayer book. The only two links we need at the moment are Siddur Lev Shalem Weekday Afternoon (pgs. 289-302) and the Siddur Lev Shalem Kabbalat Shabbat (pgs. 11-30). We are asking for everyone to download it for themselves and consider printing off these pages. Alternatively, if you would like a copy of our Lev Shalem prayer book while we are meeting virtually at our homes, please let us know. Someone will drop it at your doorstep and let you know it is there.
- is offering as a way for mourners to say Kaddish, the prayer for those who are grieving, in a group of people. Sign up for details here.
- Additional Prayers for the moment: Click here for a list of additional prayers to comfort you in this difficult time.
- A new facebook group called jewishLIVE has been created that offers wonderful streaming and online Jewish events, music, and services.
- Here’s a new counting ritual, based on the idea of counting the omer, that has been created to infuse meaning into counting the days until we can meet again in person.
Emotional Support
Please enjoy this beautiful music video on this week’s parasha from Bim Bam. As well, here are a few more prayers to use as resources.
- Mi Sheberach: Prayer for the Sick
- Netilat Yadayim: Prayer for Handwashing
- Prayer for Travelers
- Prayer for Doctors
- Prayer for When There is No Minyan to Say Kaddish
- A Prayer in the Time of Plague by Rabbi Martin S. Cohen
- A Prayer of Hope During this Pandemic by Rabbi Naomi Levy
- Beth Abraham Prayer During the Coronavirus