Rosh Hashanah: The Secret Message of the Shofar – September 15, 2023

תקיעה שברים תקיעה

Tekiyah Shevarim Tekiyah

When the shofar is blown on Rosh Hashanah each blast takes this form: Tekiyah, one whole blast, followed by a blast broken into three or nine parts, followed by tekiyah, another whole blast. Whole, broken, whole. The shofar is meant to open our hearts to change, to open our hearts to each other, and this pattern is meant to help.

Each shofar blow begins and ends with tekiyah, a whole blast. This is a reminder of how “whole” others might appear to us. How “whole” we present ourselves when we are with others. Nothing wrong. Nothing to change. Hidden inside of this wholeness is the reality – a broken blast. All of us, no matter how put together, seem to have what we can fix. Nobody and no situation are perfect, because we are human. Mistakes are made by everyone, we all have what we can improve on, and the shofar reminds us of that reality. 

The shofar is also a reminder of the brokenness, the grief, the troubles, that we all face as human beings at one time or another. When we can see past the exterior of each other, the “whole” picture we present when we are together, and see that there is real brokenness hidden in the experience of every human being, our hearts begin to open to each other. May the power of these Holy Days soften our resolve, may the shofar’s blast open our hearts to positive change and to each other, and may we find joy in sharing the profound gift of another year.

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B’nai Zion Congregation
6210 Airpark Drive
Chattanooga, TN 37421

Monday: By appointment
Tuesday-Thursday: 10:00am – 4:00pm
Friday: 10:00am – 3:00pm


Rabbi Samuel Rotenberg:

Autumn Clark, Office Manager:

Phone: 423.894.8900

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